Welcome to the City of Kiel Police Department’s website.
The City of Kiel is a beautiful community located in both Manitowoc and Calumet Counties with a population of just over 3,900 people. Kiel has a long standing tradition of having its citizens experience a high quality of life and the community prides itself on its cleanliness and community support for its citizens.
As sworn officers we are responsible for providing law enforcement services in the city and our staff works hard to maintain a harmonious relationship with our citizens, our businesses, visitors, and both our public and private schools to ensure that our community continues to enjoy a nice quality of life.
On our website you will find information about our police department; including information about our staff, department statistics, our community relations programs, our equipment, department news, and more.
Please note that our news and information section is no longer part of the website service. We use our police department's Facebook page to post community news and information. Please refer to our home page for a direct link to the City of Kiel Police Department's Facebook page.
I sincerely welcome any comments, suggestions, or questions about our police department or this website. You can contact me directly at joseph.jeanty@kielwi.govor at 920-894-2211
Enjoy your visit. Sincerely, Joseph Jeanty Chief of Police